Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bank Transfer

Hi Everyone,

I've been having a lot of problems trying to figure out where most of the money we receive for the 'How To Be' ticket payment are coming from. Could you please write your name or mobile phone number (and please let us know about this on your email...) as a reference when you send the money and not HOW TO BE...because that seems to be what is written on most of the bank transfer statement I received.

I have received more than 15 transfers with only HOW TO BE written as a reference and I can't find out who they're from. Almost 10 of those transfers are for the same amount of money, which makes it really hard to distinguish.

At the moment I can only send e-confirmations to people who have written their names as a reference. I apologise for the delay, but please understand that I can't write out a receipt until I'm sure that I'm giving it to the correct person.

If you are one of the people who wrote 'HOW TO BE' as a reference on your Bank Transfer - could you please send us a receipt or any other way of showing us that you've deposited the money to our account?

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

How To Be Screening Organisers


  1. Got mine! All set! Thank you ma dears! :)

  2. Got it! Thanks! :D

    Looking forward to meeting you at the screening! :)

  3. 2 Tickets to How To Be Screening.... $30
    2 Return Flights for Sydney.... $266
    2 Nights Accomodation.... $538

    Getting to see How To Be when it may never be distributed.... PRICELESS!!!!!

    Can't thank you girls enough Cilla and Shann. Hope you're finally getting some sleep.

    See you soon, can't wait.
